Snow usually melts off of ski equipment, but a lot of the time, it can leave stains or residue if not cleaned properly. Ski maintenance can take some time, so it’s important to know what to look out for when you’re done skiing, and then you can make it more of a routine. Boston Ski & Tennis is here to help preserve your gear so you can ski for years to come. Read on for more on how to keeping skis clean, remove snow and water effectively, and more.
Why Ski Maintenance Matters
If you don’t clean off your ski gear properly or often enough, it can break down and get ruined way more easily. Once ruined, you won’t be able to keep warm, which could result in skiing longer on the slopes. Without regular cleanings, ski gear can corrode, rust, or simply just break apart after a certain amount of time. Routine upkeep is best to make sure your gear lasts as long as possible. Here are some cleaning skis tips we think are worth keeping in mind to have a great ski season:
Removing Snow from Skis and Water That’s Left Post-Ski
Obviously, if you’re on the slopes long enough, your ski gear will be damp from leftover snow and water it’s accumulated. After skiing, it’s super important not just to throw your gear to the side. Take a soft cloth or brush and gently remove any leftover moisture that could be trapped in the clamps, seams, etc. Then, look at the edges and bases of your gear. Are there any wet spots? If so, not cleaning them off can create rust, which is what no one wants. Get your skis as dry as possible after you’re done skiing, including the bindings and other hard-to-reach spots. Finally, after all this, you’re done with the first step in preserving your skis.
Use a Gentle Cleaning Solution for Deep Cleaning
If you feel like drying your skis out didn’t exactly do the trick in making them clean, consider using cleaner solutions. Sometimes, salt from the walking paths or other grime can get into your skis and seem to not come off at all. To get rid of this, try mixing washing detergent with warm water then using a soft sponge and hitting those dirty spots. After, rinse with clean water and try to get them immediately dry with a towel or lint-free cloth. By giving your skis an occasional thorough clean, you’ll prevent harmful residues from eating away at the metal edges or dulling the base.
Routine Base and Edge Maintenance Care
We mentioned previously those hard-to-reach areas. This is where routine maintenance care can come in handy. Maintaining the base and edge seals of your skis can be sort of hard to clean properly, but once you get familiar with how to do it, it can be extremely worth it. If you don’t get your edges or base seals cleaned right, it can lead to a ski’s ability to glide, reduce control, and put permanent scratches of grooves on your skis. Regular maintenance, whether at home or through a professional ski service like Boston Ski and Tennis, can resolve these issues. Sharpen your edges and repair the base as needed to maintain the best ski performance.
How to Store Your Skis the Right Way
After all the cleaning is done, it’s time to store your skis. Don’t just throw them in the closet and walk away. Consider where in your home is a cool, dry environment. Then, decide if putting them on a rack or placing them horizontally is possible. If you put your skis in direct sunlight or high humidity for a while, it can warp them. Also, placing skis upright seems the most natural way for them to lay, but it can actually cause distortion over time, so make sure to lay them flat or in a padded ski bag to avoid this.
Try Out Waxing Skis – Bonus Tip!
Surfers do it, so why not skiers? Waxing skis right before you store them at the end of the season can really protect them from drying out. It can keep your equipment in slope-ready status when winter rolls around again. Luckily, Boston Ski and Tennis also offer professional waxing services to help you achieve the best results with minimal effort.
How do I know if my skis need servicing?
Most skiers don’t know when skis are running on fumes. One of the first tell-tale signs your skis need servicing is the sounds they make while in use. It’s important to take a minute next time you’re on the slopes and listen to what your gear is telling you. If you hear cracks or whining noises, it may be an indicator of your skis losing their grip or not being able to glide smoothly. Don’t ignore these sounds. You don’t want to worry about a bigger problem down the line because you ignored the smaller ones initially. If you’re just not sure, reach out to professionals like Boston Ski & Tennis. We can take a look and give our expert assessment of what’s going on.
Making Ski Maintenance a Part of Your Routine
This all may seem overwhelming to keep your skis clean, but it’s somewhat easy once you continue to make it a part of your routine. Ski maintenance is worth it. Try to make sure to keep some or all of these tips we’ve mentioned in mind because it could be the main factor in how your skis last so long. Skis are expensive, so having them last as long as possible is great for your wallet and overall ski performance on the slopes. If you’re having any trouble with these cleaning tips or just have questions about skiing in general, head over to Boston Ski & Tennis. We can help with repairs, waxing, ski tips, equipment, and more. Face the slopes with confidence!